Think Tank
2012 - 2019
In addition to a physical space for contemplation and self-chosen isolation,
Think Tank is a method for intensive collaboration and facilitates a period of time, aiming to explore ideas about production and manufacturability and invites participants to share their thoughts within a creative process; to calibrate and focus on freeing the imagination. A pressure cooker; not only to handle with the results, but above all to be able and experiment within this process.
In this ambition and complexity, Think Tank has so far provided shelter to several group-sessions and performances with perspectives from:
Politics, Art, Science, Philosophy and Western esotericism… and in different ways for debate, music, story-telling and healing sessions.
Secret Society, AVL Mundo, Rotterdam, 2019
Ctrl + Alt + Delete (the future now), 13 hectare, Heeswijk-Dinther, 2015
Contemporary Incidental Accumulation of Particles I / IV, Lokaal 01 Breda, 2012
Galvanized steel, rubber sealed waterproof seam, aluminum fire escapes,
CO₂ sensors, portable two-way radio (set), padlocks
360 x Ø 120 x 240 cm
Donated / Permanently installed:
at Foundation AVL Mundo, Rotterdam (Since 2019)